May 17, 2024
World Health Organization
H.E. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Office of the Director General
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Dear Dr. Tedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization,
We write to express profound concern over the WHO’s handling of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the drafting of the pandemic treaty.
As Director-General of the WHO, you represent the ideals of the United Nations, including “establish[ing] conditions under which justice and respect for [treaty obligations] and other sources of international law can be maintained.”[1] The global pursuit of peace and human rights is anchored in the rule of law and, indeed, without the rule of law, tyranny and oppression prevail.
It is thus imperative that you honor existing treaties and international laws yourself.
Article 55(2) of the IHR mandates that the text of any proposed amendment be communicated at least four months before the Health Assembly where it will be considered.[2] Claiming that the dissemination of an initial draft in February 2023 meets this requirement, despite ongoing negotiations, is absurd. Equally unreasonable is the assertion that this requirement applies only to the Director General and Member States, not the working group they appointed, when the Article makes no such distinction. Both arguments show a blatant disregard for both the spirit and the letter of the law.[3]
The World Health Assembly (WHA) Rules of Procedure numbers 8, 10, 11, & 15 also prohibit rushing agreements without due diligence.[4] Additionally, Rule 14’s requirement for full disclosure of all obligations, including financial obligations, has been grossly violated, with crucial details deferred until some future time.[5] This essentially forces Member States to sign a blank check.
Moreover, the hasty adoption of multiple instruments with overlapping technical, administrative, and financial requirements will inevitably lead to confusion and could seriously undermine global health efforts going forward. This underscores the critical need to adhere to the four-month minimum requirement.
Besides the concerns about timing and notification, the legitimacy of any agreement fundamentally relies on its adherence to the following fundamental principles of the rule of law:
- Valid Voting Process: An authentic roll-call vote with a two-thirds majority present must be documented and available for verification.[6] Without this proof any “agreement” is null and void.[7]
- Clear and Final Wording: The terms of any agreement must be explicitly defined within the document itself. It is unacceptable to use open-ended wording that defers crucial decisions to unaccountable committees.[8]
- Member-Led Negotiations: The bureau’s role should be solely to facilitate discussions, not dictate outcomes. Negotiations must be transparent and inclusive, accommodating the capacities of all delegations, especially those from smaller countries. Ad-hoc, concurrent negotiations without proper notice or translation violate the principles of international law. [9]
Using potential pandemics as a pretext to violate the principles of good governance erodes trust and undermines international cooperation when it is most needed.
Proceeding with the adoption of new amendments to the IHR or the proposed pandemic treaty at the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly would be contrary to law. Should you proceed, any resulting agreement will immediately be null and void. Conversely, following these basic principles of good governance will demonstrate the WHO’s commitment to global health and the rule of law.

Christopher H. Smith
House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
on Global Health, Global Human Rights,
and International Organizations
Total Elected Official Signatures: 239 (from 37 countries)
United States Congress
Robert Aderholt
Member, United States Congress
Jim Banks
Member, United States Congress
Andy Biggs
Member, United States Congress
Bob Good
Member, United States Congress
Michael Guest
Member, United States Congress
Clay Higgins
Member, United States Congress
Barry Moore
Member, United States Congress
Ralph Norman
Member, United States Congress
Gary Palmer
Member, United States Congress
Keith Self
Member, United States Congress
Tom Tiffany
Member, United States Congress
Beltran Benedit
Member, Chamber of Deputies
Santiago Pauli
Member, Chamber of Deputies
Maria Ines Quiroz
Member, Chamber of Deputies
Sophia Moermond
Member, Western Australia Legislative Council
Malcolm Roberts
Member of the Senate
Gerald Hauser
Member of Parliament
Junio Amaral
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Ulysses Araújo
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Eder Barra
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Alberto Barros Cavalcante Neto
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Adilson Barroso
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Paulo Bilynskyj
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Eduardo Bolsonaro
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Lucas Bove
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Gilson C. Fahur
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Delegado Caveria
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Altineu Cortes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Daniel Costa de Freitas
Member, Assembly of the Republic
João Chrisóstomo De Moura
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Marcos Do Val
Member, Federal Senate
Greyce Elias
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Francisco Eurico da Silva
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Pr. Marco Feliciano
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Flávio Ferreira
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Eliéser Girão Monteiro Filho
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Alberto Fraga
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Mario Frias
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Gustavo Gayer Machado de Araujo
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Eduardo Girão
Member, Federal Senate
Luis Carlos Heinze
Member, Federal Senate
Reinhold Stephanes Junior
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Beatriz Kicis
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Cristiane Lopes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Helio Fernando Barbosa Lopes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Thiago Manzoni
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Mauricio Marcon
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Rogerio Marinho
Member, Federal Senate
Filipe Martins
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Coronel Meira
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Evair Vieira Melo
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Magda Mofatto Hon
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Marcelo Moraes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Bibo Nunes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Bivo Nunes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Dep. Padovani
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Jaziel Pereira de Sousa
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Marcos Pollon
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Marcos Pollon
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Lincoln Portela
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Alcides Ribeiro Filho
Member, Assembly of the Republic
David Ribeiro Soares
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Ricardo Salles
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Jorge Seif Junior
Member, Federal Senate
Reinhold Stephanes
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Zé Trovão
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Rodrito Valadares
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Silvia Waiãpi
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Carla Zambelli Salgado
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Julia Zanatta
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Frederico de Castro Escaleira
Member, Assembly of the Republic
André Fernandes de Moura
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Paulo Cezar dos Santos
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Marcelo Álvaro Antônio
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Dean Allison
Member of Parliament
Colin Carrie
Member of Parliament
Bob Zimmer
Member of Parliament
Luis Sanchez
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Nikola Grmoja
Member of Parliament
Mislav Kolakusic
Member of the European Parliament
Ivan Matić
Member of Parliament
Marin Miletić
Member of Parliament
Ivan Vilibor Sinčić
Member of the European Parliament
Zvonimir Troskot
Member of Parliament
Mrs. Yasemin Ozturk
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Czech Republic
Jitka Chalankova
Member of Parliament
Kalle Grünthal
Member of Parliament
Martin Helme
Member of Parliament
Kert Kingo
Member of Parliament
Anti Poolamets
Member of Parliament
Aleksandr Tšaplõgin
Member of Parliament
Jaak Valge Valge
Member of Parliament
Varro Vooglaid
Member of Parliament
Stellan Egeland
Member, Åland Parliament
Kaisa Garedew
Member of Parlament
Laura Huhtasaari
Member of Parliament
Juha Mäenpää
Member of Parliament
Pia Sillanpää
Member of Parliament
Gunnar Beck
Member of the European Parliament
Sylvia Dr. Limmer
Member of the European Parliament
Frank Grobe Dr.
Member of the Hessian Parliament
Frank-Christian Hansel
Member of the Berlin Parliament
Gunnar Lindemann
Member of the Berlin Parliament
Dr. Rainer Rothfuß
Member of the Berlin Parliament
Martin Sichert
Member of the Berlin Parliament
Prof. Dr. Harald Weyel Weyel
Member of the Berlin Parliament
José Tomás Zambrano Molina
Member of Parliament
Dora Duro
Member of Parliament
Előd Novák
Member of Parliament
István Szabadi
Member of Parliament
László Toroczkai
Parliamentary group leader
Amit HaLevi
Member of Parliament
Ariel Kallner
Member of Parliament
Sergio Antonio Berlato
Member of the European Parliament
Francesca Donato
Member of the European Parliament
Renate Holzeisen
Member, Regional Council of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, South Tyrol
Joseph Kahangara
Member of Parliament
Paul Katana
Member, National Assembly
Jackson Kosgei
Member of Parliament
Shuaib Almuwaizri
Member of Parliament
Marcis Jencitis
Member of Parliament
Simon Abiramia
Member of Parliament
Ghassan Atallah
Member of Parliament
Camille Chamoun Chamoun
Member of Parliament
Nicolas Sehnaoui
Member of Parliament
Stasys Jakeliūnas
Member of the European Parliament
Dainius Kepenis
Member of Parlament
Mindaugas Puidokas
Member of Parliament, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Health
Ashems Songwe
Member of Parliament
Rob Rooken
Member of the European Parliament
Dorien Rookmaker
Member of the European Parliament
Robert Roos
Member of the European Parliament
New Zealand
Tane Webster
Board Member, New Plymouth District Council
Siv Johannessen
Member, Øygarden Municipal Council
Simon Friis Larsen
Member, Rælingen Municipal Council
Dan Fernandez
Member of Congres
Grzegorz Placzek
Member of Parliament
Madalena Cordeiro
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Rui Cristina
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Ricardo Dias Pinto Blaufuks
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Jorge Galveias
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Rita Matias
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Filipe Melo
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Raúl Melo
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Bernardo Pessanha
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Luisa Ribeiro
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Marcus Santos
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Nuno Simões de Melo
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Rui Paulo Sousa
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Daniel Teixeira
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Eduardo Teixeira
Member, Assembly of the Republic
José de Carvalho
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Pedro dos Santos-Frazão
Member, Assembly of the Republic
Sorin T Muncaciu Muncaciu
Member of Parliament
Cristian Terhes
Member of the European Parliament
Anna Zaborska
Member of Parliament
South Africa
Steven Swart
Member of Parliament
Unni Björnerfors
Member of Parliament
Unni Björnerfors
Member of Parliament (SweDem)
Elsa Widding
Member of Parliament
Lukas Reimann
Member, National Council of Switzerland
Urs Christian Schumacher
Member, Lucerne Cantonal Council
Lucy Akello
Member of Parliament
Norah Bigirwa
Member of Parliament
His Royal Highness, Drani Stephen Izakare
Traditional Leader
Sarah Oprndu
Member of Parliament
Maneno Zumura
Member of Parliament
United Kingdom
Andrew Bridgen
Member of Parliament
Andrew Milton
Member, Warwick District Council
Clare Sullivan
Local councillor
United States
Will Ainsworth
Lieutenant Governor, State of Alabama
Bill Allen
Member, Missouri State House of Representatives
Gerald Allen
Member, Alabama State Senate
Lance Bell
Member, Alabama State Senate
Keith Boehm
Member, North Dakota State Senate
Ronald Bolton
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Janice Bowling
Member, Tennessee State Senate
Chip Brown
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Mack Butler
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Tom Butler
Member, Alabama State Senate
Josh Carnley
Member, Alabama State Senate
Jim Carns
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Donnie Chesteen
Member, Alabama State Senate
Jeff Coleman
Member, Missouri State House of Representatives
Danny Crawford
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Kathy Edmonston
Member, Louisiana House of Representatives
Tracy Estes
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Jennifer Fidler
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Monty Fritts
Member, Tennessee State House of Representatives
Sam Givhan
Member, Alabama State Senate
Corey Harbison
Alabama State Representative House Dist. 12
Ben Harrison
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Bud Hulsey
Member, Tennessee State House of Representatives
Leigh Hulsey
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Reed Ingram
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Jamie Kiel
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Wes Kitchens
Member, Alabama State Senate
Bill Lamb
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Craig Lipscomb
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Joe Lovvorn
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Tim Melson
Member, Alabama State Senate
Mine Moon
Member, Missouri State Senate
Arnold Mooney
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Parker Moore
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Ed Oliver
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Arthur Orr
Member, Alabama State Senate
Phillip Pettus
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Dennis Powers
Member, Tennessee State House of Represenatatives
John Ragan
Member, Tennessee State House of Representatives
Kevin Raper
Member, Tennessee State House of Representatives
Greg Reed
Pro Tem, Alabama State Senate
Rick Rehm
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Rex Reynolds
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Doug Richey
Member, Missouri State House of Representatives
Phillip Rigsby
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Kevin Ritter
Washington County Commissioner
Dan Roberts
Member, Alabama State Senate
Tim Rudd
Member, Tennessee State House of Representatives
Chris Sells
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Ginny Shaver
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Mike Shaw
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Randall Shedd
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Shay Shelnutt
Member, Alabama State Senate
Matt Simpson
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Jeffrey Smouse
Township Trustee, Antioch Township, Illinois
Andrew Sorrell
Auditor, State of Alabama
Jeff Sorrells
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Troy Stubbs
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Larry Stutts
Member, Alabama State Senate
Kerry Underwood
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Susan Vessels
President, Marietta City Council, Ohio
April Weaver
Member, Alabama State Senate
Randy Weber
Member, Texas State House of Representatives
Andy Whitt
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Ritchie Whorton
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Debbie Wood
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
Ernie Yarbrough
Member, Alabama State House of Representatives
César Vega
Member, House of Representatives